Peninsula Red – Rooibos blend


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Peninsula Red is a wonderful botanical blend of organic Jamaica Flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa), organic Rooibos, and organic Honey Bush, creating a full-bodied, fruity and deep red infusion. Jamaica Flowers, known to have a high content of vitamin C and other beneficial health properties, blended well with the refreshing and healthful nature of Red Bush .


Peninsula Red has a deep red infusion with a strong and fruity body that finishes with notes of mango, passion fruit and rare island spices. Excellent served hot or iced.

Contains: Organic:  Rooibos, hibiscus, honey bush, lemongrass, schizandra berries, rosehips, licorice root, orange peel, natural passionfruit flavor, natural essential oils of orange, tangerine, mango and clove.